Temperature : 28 to 30°, according to the period.
Dimensions : 12 x 5 meters.
A children’s pool : 40 cms deep.
Countercurrent swimming.
A pipe can be connected to the countercurrent swimming to afford self-massages.
Swimming-pool equipment for aquagym : pool-noodles, hand-flippers, barbells.
The tiled floor and walls of the swimming pool have been done all over again in july 2018, as well as the local stone paving of the terraces.
It’s the ideal place, to be sheltered from the sun.
The air circulates thanks to a ceiling fan.
If it suddenly rains, you have the possibility to shut the blinds on some of the sides.
The Gazzebo is appreciated at all times, and it’s a multi-activity room.
In the evening, having drinks there is a tradition, but alcohol isn’t compulsory !
After lunch, coffee is served there too.
You can also play scrabble or bridge, read, have long discussions at any time, well, enjoy the place as you want….
Created in 2010 by landscape gardeners.
Heat and dampness favour all kinds of plants, especially bougainvilleas, hence the name we chose for the villa.